Thursday, February 23, 2012

Updates from Amy

Good morning, everyone!
The show is amazing and beautiful and funny and poignant--you are going to bless our audiences every single performance. I am so excited for tomorrow night, and so proud of all of you!

I do have notes from last night, but they are just minor things to fix. Please look carefully below for anything that pertains to you.
One big thank you--several of you have been SO great about remembering to sing at the offstage mike--for almost the entire time you aren't onstage. I heard about Elisha, Dana, Leslie, and Shamus for sure, and I'm sure there are others--thank you all so much for that helpful contribution!

Here is tonight's schedule:
6:00--Cast arrival time (begin getting mikes on, costumes, makeup, etc.)
6:45--Cast meeting--be in auditorium seats promptly, please.
7:00--Meeting ends--release to finish getting ready
7:15--Be onstage, ready for warmups
7:30--Run through starts


  • Everyone--You may NOT go into the dressing room that is not your gender--no exceptions (except for me or Mrs. Carla going in for checks after everyone is out)

  • Everyone--Do NOT take off your own microphones. An adult may do it for you, but you may not do it for yourself.

  • Everyone--please don't clap during bows

  • Everyone--you may bring books to Berry for the book drive if you would like--we are ready to receive them

  • Everyone--please bring your own water and snacks for backstage. Also, NO arguing over laptop allowed or I will send the Grinch after you! (Wait, he's nice now....I know--I'll send MAX!)

  • Things--we can't see your lights for "A Glimmer of Light"--could we look at you coming Downstage on either side to turn them on? Josh--what do you think?

  • Cat--the cat-eye glasses can be used for Mr. Mayor's line about Mrs. Mackel-Who--hold them up and grin mischievously

  • Mr. Mayor--check your line on pg. 32--a little confused "Now Horton has found us..."

  • JoJo--In "Alone in the Universe"--don't move off the upstage platform until you start singing, then move downstage. Spot will pick you up while you are on the platform and move with you

  • Thing 1--do you have a mike in Dr. Dake scene? If not, please really project your lines so we can hear them

  • Erik--do you have a mike in "Monkey Around"? Hard to hear your bass parts

  • Jungle Creatures--We need to have you move Mayzie's tree on when you enter during "Chasing the Whos"--Move it in on the line "Ten Thousand Feet High" and put on brake This is VERY important!!

  • JoJo--I'm not sure of the logistics of the scene, but if it is helpful, you can put props you are holding on the pink couch before it goes out--mittens and pencil, maybe? Talk to me if we need to clarify

  • Cat and Circus--we need a lot bigger "moment" when Horton is revealed at the circus--get those words out there--they are VERY hard to understand--start a bit earlier if necessary

  • Cat--Even though we have taken out other cities, we still need "Palm Beach" line after Horton's solo so that Mayzie coming on makes sense--perhaps you yell it as you come on with chaise?

  • Horton--When you see Mayzie at the circus, show more surprise--you know she's in Palm Beach, but still surprised to see her at the circus. (Hope you feel better!)

  • Circus--you were late coming in for "Solla Sollew" Your entrance is when you start singing on "Solla Sollew Solla Sollew" after Horton has sung it once. I will try to tell Bekah when it is so she can tell you

  • Circus--you forgot to move the tree off at the end of Solla Sollew--we have traveling music for that reason--please don't forget because we can't close mid until the tree is off

  • Things--your reenactment of the explosion has to take a lot longer to make sense with the track--slow it down!

  • Things--When you take downstage clovers off during intermission, take Horton's clover out and put it back on prop table--sorry about that! Thing 1--can you get it from SL and enter from SL to give it to Gertrude?

  • Yertle--at very end, before bows, please move the red box back and put the cauldron (which will be "boiling" with dry ice) inside it so it won't be a distraction during bows

  • Horton--be sure egg has been changed while mid is closed before you get back into tree--I will have TJ or Bekah help with that, but please double check

I know it's a lot, but you guys are pros! You're doing such a great job--see you tonight!

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